Down by the Sally Gardens
Julie Atkin sings the popular setting of WB Yeats’ poem, accompanied by Gavin playing his old Levin Goliath guitar.
As I Roved Out
Julie sings the classic Irish song, As I Roved Out, accompanied by Gavin on guitar.
Green Broom
Green Broom, sung by Julie and Gavin Atkin. We learned the song after listening to traditional singer Sam Larner’s excellent performance of the song.
The Bold Fisherman
The Bold Fisherman, sung by Julie Atkin. This is her interpretation of the song, which she learned from the classic book Marrowbones.
Raking the Hay
Raking the Hay, sung by Julie Atkin. This is her interpretation of a song, which she was inspired to learn after listening to a CD of
the wonderful traditional singer Phoebe Smith.
Georgie, sung by Julie Atkin
Georgie, sung by Julie Atkin. This is her interpretation of the version collected from Joseph Taylor of Brigg by Percy Grainger in 1908, using a wax cylinder recording machine.
Julie and Gavin in concert at Revelation St Mary’s
Julie and Gavin at Revelation St Mary’s, Ashford. Photos by the excellent Lewis Brockway. Many thanks Lewis!
Julie and Gavin play The Queer Fella’s Shot-ese and Harry Reeves’ Favourite
When we’re not singing, this is also something we do! We’ve vidoed a few more, of you’re interested: The Black Velvet Band and The French Assembly, Scan Tester’s No 2 and No 1, and The Kelso Accordion and Fiddle Club and One More Dance and Then.