Get Blackbird from Bandcamp here: https://gavinatkin.bandcamp.com/album/blackbird
Veteran South Wales singer, musician and Folk Wales editor Mick Tems penned a review that almost rendered Gav speechless:
‘Julie Atkin lives with her musician husband Gavin in the village of Marden, Kent; both she and Gavin have amassed 15 well-known and less well-travelled traditional songs, and the album is a welcome treasure trove and reference point for any eager enthusiasts who have embarked on the magical journey of folk discovery. Julie trained as a classical singer, and her bright and clear soprano voice sparks and energises ancient and venerable songs; like a curator restoring an old portrait, she polishes off the dust and grime and gives the melodies a new, proud shine. Gavin accompanies her on acoustic guitar and diatonic accordeon, and his minimal empathetic playing is just enough to let her songs grow and blossom. In short, it’s exquisite.’
Regular CD reviewer David Kidman wrote:
‘This is an album of traditional songs…performed purely and simply by Kent-based singer Julie Atkin. Julie’s husband… provides some wonderfully complementary, beautifully contoured accompaniment on guitar (eight tracks) or deft and sprightly melodeon (two tracks). His guitar playing is accomplished and stylishly configured, and its measured precision perfectly matches that quality in Julie’s singing… the Atkins’ musical partnership makes for some delightfully simpatico music-making… Julie lacks nothing in her understanding of her chosen songs, and she clearly feels their emotional import, this being clearly evident in her stylish expression.’
Around Kent Folk’s own Bob Kenward added: ‘Now this is a truly beautiful collection of traditional song. Julie’s delightful voice is discretely accompanied on guitar or melodeon where called for by Gavin Atkin and every arrangement augments and supports both melody and story… seek out this CD and give your ears a treat’